Friday, November 13, 2015

Wholesome Recreational Activities

My wife and I consider ourselves mountain people. Which is interesting since neither of us really grew up in the mountains. But nonetheless, the mountains are home for our family. They are where all of our favorites converge - where our interests intersect. Hiking, mountain biking, dirt biking, climbing, hunting, snowboarding, snow shoeing, yurting, cabining. Life is in the mountains.

"We need to do this more often," I find myself saying EVERY time we go to the mountains. And we do. We really really do need to do it more. Because a family that spends time in the mountains is a happy family, that's what I say.

My hope is we raise a bunch of little kids who grow up to be nature lovers, just like their mom and dad. That way we can be a mountain family for life.

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